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Dental Implants – Las Vegas, NV

A Foundation for a Healthier, Complete Smile

Woman in purple shirt standing and smiling

A missing tooth can compromise the look and health of your smile. There are many tooth replacement options from dental bridges to dentures. Today's modern dental therapies offer a choice that mimics nature from the root up for lasting oral health and beauty – dental implants.

Why Choose Summerlin Center for Aesthetic Dentistry for Dental Implants?

  • Implant Surgery Performed In-House
  • Wide Variety of Customized Restorations
  • Efficient All-on-4 Dentures Available

What are Dental Implants?

Illustration of two dental implants in Las Vegas, NV

Traditional tooth replacements only replace the parts of the teeth above the gums. Dental implants, on the other hand, are artificial tooth roots that are permanently joined to your jawbone. Their job is to act as a foundation for crowns, bridges, or dentures. That way, you can replace your teeth with restorations that will always stay firmly attached to the mouth and offer chewing power and stability that’s on par with that of your original smile.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Man in white shirt sitting outside smiling

To revitalize your smile with dental implants, you must undergo a multi-phased treatment process. Although it may take longer than traditional options, it is time well spent because your new smile can last for several decades with the right aftercare. While the process may seem overwhelming, you have nothing to fear. Here is what you can expect on your journey to a complete smile.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist showing patient a model of a dental implant in Las Vegas, NV

Your first step to rebuilding your smile requires a trip to your dentist in Las Vegas. You need an initial consultation to ensure you are a candidate for dental implants. Besides a visual examination, Dr. Pamela West reviews digital X-rays and a CT scan to assess your oral health and structures. She also takes the time to discuss your medical and lifestyle history to ensure you have minimal risk factors for implant failure.

Dental Implant Surgery

Performing surgery to place dental implants in Las Vegas, NV

The CT scan is used to pinpoint the ideal location for your implant posts, which act as new roots. Oral surgery is needed to place them into your jawbone. While under sedation or anesthesia, your gum tissue is opened to expose your jawbone. A hole is drilled into it for each post to be inserted. Your gum tissue is sutured closed, and the healing process begins.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Illustration of dental implant in Las Vegas, NV in jawbone

The implant posts stimulate your jaw to encourage new bone growth. This allows your jaw to fuse to them over the next several months through a process called osseointegration. This can seem like a lengthy delay, but it is necessary to provide a secure and stable foundation for your restorations. It also allows the implant posts to potentially remain in place forever.

After your jawbone is healed, you need a second minor surgery to attach abutments to your implant posts. These special fixtures are connector pieces between the posts and your restorations. It typically takes about 2 weeks for your gum tissue to heal after they have been placed.

Placement of Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implant in Las Vegas, NV receiving crown

The final stage of your treatment involves your restorations. Digital impressions of your mouth are taken to get the exact measurements necessary to create your restorations to meet your exact needs. They are carefully crafted to match the color, size, and shape you need to promote your oral functions. Your restorations are made from all-ceramic materials to look natural, so no one will notice they are not your real teeth.

The Benefit of Dental Implants

Woman in white shirt walking down street and smiling

Dental implants offer many benefits over traditional tooth replacement options. For one, dental implants are designed to integrate with your existing jawbone, which is not something other tooth replacement options can claim. Once the titanium post has fully integrated, a porcelain crown is placed on top, providing the most natural-looking appearance and function possible. That means eating the foods you enjoy is a breeze, not a struggle like it tends to be for other solutions.

Additionally, dental implants are reliable in the long term, lasting between 25 years and a lifetime. Clinical studies show their success rates as high as 98 percent after 10 years of use, so you can live your life with confidence. As long as you take proper care of them like you would natural teeth, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t last for several decades with ease.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Man in white shirt smiling with arms folded

Those with tooth loss are more likely to lose more teeth later in life. If that happens, dental implants can help! Learn how they are fully capable of replacing one tooth or an entire arch with ease!

Missing Single Tooth

Illustration of a single dental implant in Las Vegas, NV

Replacing one tooth only requires a single implant and porcelain crown. This effectively restores many functions lost due to your tooth loss, including bone stimulation and blood flow. These restored functions work to strengthen your bite and prevent premature sagging.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Illustration of dental bridge supported by dental implants in Las Vegas, NV

Instead of relying on a traditional bridge, patients can use an implant-retained version. The restoration is anchored via two dedicated dental implants, which means neighboring teeth do not need to have enamel removed just to make room for their placement.

Missing All Your Teeth

Dentures being attached to dental implants in Las Vegas, NV

If you’re tired of your current denture and need a more stable solution for your tooth loss, a series of dental implants can be placed throughout the jaw in order to anchor a full arch. Even though only four to six implants are placed at a time, they are capable of holding an entire row of teeth with ease.

All-on-4 Dentures

Illustration of All-on-4 dental implants in Las Vegas, NV

For full-mouth tooth replacement, patients no longer have to rely on traditional, removable dentures or implant dentures that require invasive surgical procedures to ensure support for the restoration. All-on-4 dentures utilize the naturally denser portions of the jaw to provide support for the denture without the need for preparatory procedures like tissue grafts. By positioning the implant posts precisely, we are able to deliver maximum stability for the full dentures.

Learn More About All-on-4 Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Male dental patient checking smile in handheld mirror

Keep in mind that the cost of your dental implant treatment may be completely different from another patient. This is largely because the treatment itself is very customizable, which means your costs will vary depending on the restoration you choose. For example, placing one implant with one crown is going to be much cheaper than placing two implants holding three to four crowns. If you have insufficient bone inside your jaw, you may also need preparatory treatments prior to surgery, including bone grafts and sinus lifts.

However, dental implants are also considered to be the most cost-effective solution to tooth loss, despite their high upfront price. As a long-term solution, you won’t have to worry about replacements or repair nearly as much as you would for other options.

Advanced Dental Implant Procedures

Female patient looking back in dental chair and smiling

It’s not easy learning you’re not a candidate for dental implants in Las Vegas. When you’ve discovered a solution that offers the stability and permanence you want, it can be disheartening to realize you might have to settle for another solution that doesn’t meet your desired criteria. Luckily, the dental experts at Summerlin Center for Aesthetic Dentistry can still make your dental implant dreams a reality with an advanced dental implant procedure. Whether you need additional bone support or a sinus lift, these two procedures can make it possible for you to replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Ready to take the next step in your journey to a fully restored smile? Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Bone Grafting

Illustration of bone grafting being performed in jaw

Over time, when your missing teeth are left untreated, you’ll begin to notice that various changes occur, some of which include:

  • Facial changes
  • Shifting or loosening teeth
  • Bone deterioration

If you’ve decided to do something about these vacated sockets in your mouth but your jawbone has lost a substantial amount of density, your chances of successful implant placement decrease significantly. Why? Because the implant needs a strong jawbone to hold it in place. If this is a situation you’re dealing with, there’s no need to worry.

Your dentist in Las Vegas can suggest a bone graft to provide the extra support you’ll need for successful dental implant placement. During the procedure, we will use bone minerals (grafting material) and incorporate them into the area needing additional support. The minerals used will encourage your body to rebuild the bone and, in turn, will serve as a solid foundation for your dental implants.

Depending on the amount of bone that needs to be replaced, the healing time can vary. The average time spent healing is 3 to 6 months. When it’s time to return for your implant placement, Dr. West will re-examine your mouth and determine if you are ready for your tooth replacement surgery. If necessary, you may need to wait a little while longer to ensure everything is properly healed.

Sinus Lift

Dental implants in Las Vegas, NV placed after sinus lift

If it’s not bone loss you have to worry about, it might be that your sinuses are keeping you from having the smile of your dreams. It’s no surprise since your sinuses are in close proximity to your jaw. Because of the location, if it looks as if they are too close to the jawbone, it can make it difficult to receive dental implants.

To remedy the situation, Dr. West will perform a sinus lift, which effectively lifts the sinuses up and out of the way. After spending several months healing, much like a bone grafting procedure, you’ll return to our office and be re-examined to ensure you are ready for your dental implant procedure.

Dental Implant FAQs

Dentist pointing to model of dental implant in Las Vegas, NV

Dental implants in Las Vegas are an excellent investment; however, they are also a big commitment. Most patients have a few concerns before they are ready to move forward with the procedure. Your implant dentist will explain everything during your implant consultation. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to frequently asked questions to calm your nerves.

Can I take dental implants out?

No, you can’t remove a dental implant on your own because it recreates both the root and crown. A titanium post is placed into your jawbone to replicate the root. Your bone will integrate with the post, allowing it to remain in place forever with the right care. Only a trained dental professional can remove a post from the bone, such as in cases of failure; however, some implant dentures can be taken out for easier cleaning.

How long do dental implants last?

A dental implant is the most reliable method to replace a lost tooth. With over a 95% success rate, your new tooth can last for 30 years or longer, but the lifespan depends on various factors, like your lifestyle habits. A solid oral hygiene routine at home and regular care from your dentist can safeguard your investment. The location of the implant can also influence how long it will last. The back teeth undergo more wear and tear than the front, so they have a slightly shorter lifespan. You can decrease unnecessary pressure on the molars by limiting how often you eat hard or chewy foods. If you can’t resist a juicy steak, cut it into small pieces to make it easier to chew.

Am I too old for dental implants?

You are never too old for dental implants! However, certain medical conditions and medications are common as you age. As a result, your placement surgery can be a little trickier, but not impossible. Your implant dentist in Las Vegas will examine your mouth and learn more about your health to look for any issues that might affect your body’s ability to heal or fight infections. In some cases, you may require additional procedures before your placement surgery, like gum disease treatment or periodontal therapy. They’ll create a personalized plan to replace your missing teeth safely and effectively.

Does getting dental implants hurt?

It’s normal to be concerned about pain since you’ll need oral surgery, but there isn’t any reason to worry. Your implant dentist will keep you comfortable using sedation or anesthesia. Not to mention, your jawbone doesn’t have any nerve endings, so you won’t feel anything during your placement procedure. You can expect your mouth to be sore for a few days after the effects of any anesthesia or sedation dissipate. You can manage any discomfort using an OTC pain reliever. Applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth can numb the area temporarily while reducing any swelling and bruising. Your discomfort should improve after 3-4 days. If it doesn’t, contact our office for further advice.